Presto Log


Enjoy the ambiance of burning logs without the mess and hassle of cordwood. Our compressed wood logs and pellets are easy to use, sustainable, long-lasting, and produce an intense heat that you can rely on.

.85 Cents Each!

Environmentally friendly

Not one tree was cut down to make our Pres-to-Logs® fire logs. Manufactured from 100% recycled, natural biomass material acquired from the lumber industry, the production of our wood products dramatically reduces the amount of sawdust waste sent to landfills. They also burn 80% cleaner than cordwood, releasing virtually no emissions into the air.

More value less waste

Since Pres-to-Logs premium fire logs produce a hotter, more efficient and cleaner fire than cord wood, you will burn less overall biomass to heat your home. Each Pres-to-Log can can burn up to 3 hours, depending on the burning environment, which means less trips to the stove to maintain heat consistency.


Please contact us for current pricing and availability.